Hi-tool Dinamométer

· Compact, lightweight, rugged construction.

· Designed for line work.

· Accepts harsh field conditions(cold&heat)

· Graduated in kilonewtons (kN).

· Accuracy +/- 3% Full Scales.

· Both pulling eyes rotate 360 degrees.

· Optional maximum reading indicator pointer kit
available for easy installation.

· Optional easily installed screw-on face with
twin steel protective bars also available.

· Each tool is serial numbered and supplied
in a heavy duty fabric case with calibration certificate.

In choosing the right dynamometer for your application, always select one that exceeds your highest range. If you expect to measure 10kN, select TM20 at the 20kN capacity. This allows for unexpected shock loading beyond your usual high range which can occur due to gusty winds or other factors.


Our products

VK-E-3000/R one section earthing rod set

Merev és Csuklós Forgóösszekötő

VK-FAM-KT Service rope gin

Wire strippers


Wire strippers

Open end wrench

Relatív helyzetrögzítő VK-TT-4

VK-K maneuvering hook

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Széchenyi 2020